Are you living paycheck to paycheck? Do you need to borrow money monthly from credit cards to meet your obligations?  Well if the answer is yes to either question, you are living in what is called the dependence cycle.  Nobody wants to live paycheck to paycheck so how do you break free from that cycle?

Steps To Break The Dependence Cycle


Make a budget and stick to it

Do not spend frivolously. Overspending can increase debt and lead to financial ruin.  It is easy to put something you want on a credit card or debit card, but even on a debit card you have to be able to pay back what you borrowed.


Make goals

You may want to have at least 2-3  bank accounts.  One for your monthly bills ( such as phone, cable, rent, IRA contribution, food, mortgage, water, gas & electric etc. The second one is for savings and emergencies.  You need to have at least 3-6 months of income saved just in case.  This is extremely important.  No one knows what will happen in the future so prepare now.  The third one is for everything else such as:  down payment for a house or condo, building mutual funds or the stock market.  It is up to you what you want to accomplish with your money.


Pay off any debts you have

You can even use the third bank account to save for large debts.  You should always have a plan and be able to work that plan.  If you cannot sleep because you have creditors hounding you then this is the time to do something about it and get rid of them for good. (Also read, The Dangers of Getting Payday Loans & How To Save)  See how much interest you are paying on your cards.  Some cards are 30% or more and this interest can keep you in debt for like 25-30 years.  Imagine that! You may not believe it but, it’s true.  Do not pay only the minimum.  Pay more than the minimum if possible and don’t be late with your payments.  Do not keep using it. Hide it or ask someone to hide it for you.  Out of sight out of mind.  Paying only the minimum does not even put a dent into the balance and when they add interest and other charges what you paid is literally nothing.

Get honest with yourself.  Do not keep hiding those past due notices. Open them up and see how much you owe.  Admit that you made a mistake by getting into debt but, now is the time to dig yourself out.  Don’t get discouraged.  Keep moving forward. Know where you are and where you are going.  Stick to the plan.  Put a note on your refrigerator (I am out of debt and I have more than enough).  Say this everyday and start living it.  This will help you to focus on your goals and break the financial dependency for good.

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